Tuesday, January 18, 2022






MCQz test






Inspector Inland Revenue My Original Question Paper 10-January-2017. (BATCH-2 2017)

 Inspector inland revenue today's BATCH-2 MCQ

1 suo moto power of examination of records lies with (commissioner ,Fbr ,both none
2 power to write off notn recoverable lies with (prime minister ,commissioner .none
3 FBR is a attached department of which division (finance .revenue none
4 PRAL stands for ?
5 Rate of tax on companies in 2017 ?
6 incentives under prime minister scheme of taxes?
7 if profit on debt is less than 25 million what should be the rate of income tax?
8 pupose of imposing super tax in 2015 on companies?
9 if a taxpayer deduct duty inventively tp whom it pay back (federal govt ,commissioner imorter
10 which tax payable by dependant of SHUHUDA in immovable propert (advance incom tax ,sales tax CvT
11 Default surcharge on account of tax fraud ?
12 under sales tax act pyment exceeds what should be made throgh cheque ?
13 Under volountary tax scheme paid up capital limit is (25 million 50 million none
14 WeBOCS is what is and number of user ?
15 if a person failed to mainatain recored under ST amount of penality /
16 sales tax levied under third shedule on (retail price ,quantity ,value?
17 if a person fails to register from 60 days of commencemnt of business what is the amount of penalty /
18 further excise duty on non registered person is (1% .2% none
19 who file income tax return ?
20 inland revenue officer appointed under section of what?
21 in FED if a person make untrue decleration amount of penalty would be?
22 tax on cash withdrawal above 5000 for non filler is 0.3 % 0.6% none
23 execiseable services included under which shedule of FED ?
24 advance tax on payment to non resident person for technical services ?
25 Inland revenue wing collected what persent of total tax/
26 if person fails to file return after 10 days of due date what is penalty for this?
27 standared sales tax rate 15 % 10% none
28 relvant date for FED is ( date of supply date of consumtion ,date of production ,none)
29 vegitable ghee oil and water included in which shedule of sales tax ?
30 top revenue contributor of inland revenue ?
31 addational commissioner junior to which ?
32 loss of hotels carry foraward for how many years (5,6.7 none)
33 advance tax on air ticket is 5% 10 % none
Like · 1 hr
1.income tax rates in which shedule
2.after special judge where can appeal
high court, supreme court
3.who is not liable to be registered in sales tax act
4.penalty on those who failed to file return 5000
5.default surcharge rate, KIBOR+3
6.who has authority to right off not recoverable tax
7.what is WeBOC
8. total user of WeBOC
9.what is tax rate on Air tickets
10.who has authority to Re-value the property
commissioner, chief commissioner etc
11.deduction for bad debts
-----debt included in person's income etc
12.who can graunt stay against recovery of duty in days
15or 30 or 60
13.value of goods determined on what date?
consumption date, supply date, etc
14. who is senior from these
a,commissioner b. director General. c.Assistant commissioner
15 Chairman of special Audit
16, FBR connected with which wing
Revenue, Finance, etc
17.which is giving maximum revenue
income, shaid custom etc
18. FBR giving revenue yo government\
90%, 70 % 60%
19. who can exempt sale tax
federal Government , FBR etc
20. which is rsponsible for filing return from following
a,,,, Welfare institute, b,,,,,arphans income c,,,
answer was welfare institute
Who can waive tax liability,
Who can sumoto open any tax proceeding, FBR, Commissioner etc
Appeal u/s 45D (I guess ) is to commissioner, appliat tribunal etc
What do not come come under income for salary, same question like for income from property and income from other source.
Who is not required to be registered under sales tax.
What penalty if not registered under sales tax.
Default surcharge rate?
Rates of Income tax are mentioned in which schedule? (Similar question relating to other schedules also)
FBR works with which govt department.
Who is higher in rank, DG Revenue, Commissioner etc
Taxable income of Pakistani resident with foreign salary
Who is required to pay advance tax, federal govt, provincial govt, etc
which is not a direct tax, sales tax, FED, CVT etc
calculate Capital gain, if property purchased was 5 million, sold at 10 m, FBR access value at 8m
Who is liable to file I.T return , person (other than salaried)with income less than 4500,000, welfare org, etc
/1.Which tax fbr do not collect
2. Maximum cost involves for ADRC
3. Each fbr wing headed by
4. Which is not the wing of fbr
5. When did federal excise tax came into existence
6. Assistant commissioner can not exercise the power of .
7. Who appoint special audit panel
Sections pe time waste na kerna
Only conceptual base tayari kern
Which does not collect fbr : wealth tax
Person includes not fed govt , company , individual , company (none of these)
400,000 (tax rate 0%)
Tax reforms commission chairman (ishaq dar)
Draw back duty with in years ?
Insurance included in schedule ___ (2nd)
Cigarette exemption duty manufacturing for army , navy , air forces (none of these q k cigarette per charge hogi duty q k chahey civilian k lye ho ya army k lye)
Black list taxpayer by chief comsioner does not applicable in case of : short payment
Time period condon it time by : fed Govt
Fail to furnish information penalty I think : 25000
Show cause notice of fedral exice act with in : 5 year
Capital asset does not include (consumabale store or stock in trade )
Record for maintain sale tax : 6 year
Federal exice act duty can not : fixed
How many tax payer register person in Pakistan (4 % , 8 % , 6 %) ans is none of these q k 1% hai
Quasai judicial order by : fbr
Arrestment : by assistant commissioner
Duplicate sale tax document (1000, 100 ,none of these), none of these it is 100
Volunatary tax scehem : purpose I think for money laundering takai loug apna paisa laye aur tax dai vouluntary phr un k against koi proceeding nh hogi
ale tax...voluntary...tax year-12 month...FEA 2005 force..trc chairman...f4scal law imposed..ioco headed..se 35...tax collect..total population tax
some mcqs for in land revenue inspector
Pakistan Fiscal year starts from:
a) 1st September
b) 1st January
c) 1st April
d) 1st July
2. Which is provincial tax in Pakistan?
a) Excise tax
b) Sales Tax
c) Import Duty
d) Motors token tax
3. There is how many chapters included in Income Tax Ordinance?
a) 11 Chapters
b) 12 Chapters
c) 13 Chapters
d) 14 Chapters
4. There is how many schedules included in Income Tax Ordinance 2001?
a) 9 Schedules
b) 6 Schedules
c) 7 Schedules
d) 8 Schedules
5. There is how many sections included in Income Tax Ordinance 2001?
a) 235 sections
b) 240 sections
c) 250 sections
d) 260 sections
6. Corporate tax is levied on:
a) Landlords
b) Municipal corporation
c) Joint stock companies
d) Importers
7. Central Excise Act, 1944 was repealed by
a) The Federal Excise Act, 2002
b) The federal Excise Act, 2004
c) The Federal Excise Act, 2005
d) The Federal Excise Act, 2007
8. Name of Central Excise Duty has been changed as a Federal Excise Duty on
a) 1st July, 2003
b) 1st July, 2005
c) 1st July, 2007
d) 1st July, 2008
9. Inland Revenue Wing of the FBR was created, which is combination of ___________ domestic taxes.
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
10. If we deduct direct tax from personal income, we get:
a) Net national income
b) Personal saving
c) Disposable income
d) Per capita income
11. The largest part of national income is
a) Consumption
b) Investment
c) Transfer payments
d) Saving
12. We measure national income by this method:
a) Expenditure Method
b) Income Method
c) Product Method
d) All of above
13. The most important source of a government is:
a) Foreign loans
b) Taxes
c) Printing of new money
d) Sale of government property
14. In Pakistan, taxes are levied by:
a) Prime minister of Pakistan
b) President of Pakistan
c) Federal Cabinet of ministers
d) National Assembly
15. Government finance is called
a) National Finance
b) Public finance
c) Private finance
d) Both a and b
16. A direct tax is that which:
a) Is heavy burden on the tax payer
b) Can be directly deposited in the banks
c) Cannot be evaded
d) Is paid by the person on whom it is levied
17. In Pakistan government budget is prepared by:
a) National Assembly
b) President of Pakistan
c) Ministry of Finance
d) State Bank of Pakistan
18. If government increases taxes, private savings:
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Do not change
d) Will become zero
19. Taxes on commodities are :
a) Direct taxes
b) Indirect taxes
c) Progressive taxes
d) Proportional tax
20. Govt. Prepared its budget:
a) Weekly
b) Monthly
c) Annually
d) Quarterly
21. It is direct tax:
a) Excise tax
b) Sale tax
c) Income tax
d) Custom duty
22. Which tax is not shared between central and provincial governments?
a) Excise tax
b) Sales tax
c) Custom duty
d) Property tax
23. Which is provincial tax in Pakistan?
a) Excise tax
b) Sales tax
c) Import duty
d) Motor token tax
24. The budget estimate prepared by ministry of finance is finally approved by:
a) State Bank
b) President
c) Senate
d) National Assembly
25. Devaluation means
a) Change in the currency of a country
b) Decrease in the value of gold
c) Decrease in the value of money in terms of foreign currency
d) Decrease in the value of money internally
26. When the central Board of Revenue (CBR) was established?
a) 1st April, 1924
b) 7th April, 1924
c) 6th April, 1924
d) 9th April, 1924
27. What is the main function of money?
a) To buy eatables from the market
b) To serve as a medium of exchange
c) To earn interest from a bank
d) To buy luxurious goods
28. A direct tax is that which:
a) Is heavy burden on the tax payers
b) Can be directly deposited in the banks
c) Cannot be evaded
d) Is paid by the person on whom it is levied
29. Special procedure under the title of Sales Ta special procedure (Withholding Tax) Rules 2007 was introduced on:
a) 20th June 2007
b) 10th June 2007
c) 30th June 2007
d) 25th June 2007
30. Whom of the following propounded principles of taxation:
a) Keynes
b) Marshall
c) Adam Smith
d) Al Ghaali
31. There is how many schedules included in the Sales Tax Act, 1990?
a) 9 schedules
b) 6 schedules
c) 7 schedules
d) 8 schedules
32. There is how many sections included in the Sales Tax Act. 1990?
a) 75 Sections
b) 80 sections
c) 85 sections
d) 95 sections
33. Which section of sales tax act, 1990 deals with Special Audit by Chartered Accountants or Cost Accountants?
a) 29
b) 30
c) 31
d) 32-A
34. Which Section of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 deals with offences and penalities?
a) 33
b) 34
c) 35
d) 36
35. No person other than a ________ shall make any deduction or reclaim input tax in respect of taxable supplies made or to be made by him.
a) Unregistered person
b) Registered person
c) Association
d) None of these
36. In Pakistan, income tax is collected by:
a) Local govt.
b) Provincial govt.
c) Federal govt.
d) All governments
37. Sales tax in Pakistan is:
a) Direct and progressive
b) Direct and proportional
c) Indirect and progressive
d) Indirect and proportional

Inspector Inland Revenue Past Paper Orignal



  SR NAME Score CITY PROVINCE 1 Alia 96 / 100 Lahore Punjab 2 Hassan Rashid 91 / 100 Kahuta Kpk 3 Suman Choudhary ...